Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Zion National Park

The sun sets on another scorching July day at Zion Canyon in southern Utah. Actually the weather was pleasant  at this vantage point on Kolob Terrace at 7,000 foot elevation. Down in the canyon temperatures reached 110 degrees during our stay.

Winter snowmelt and runoff from summer rains is soaked up by the sandstone and literally "weeps" from the walls, staining the red sandstone with mineral laden deposits. Here I layed down on my back to capture the towering walls.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Beach Dreams

This idyllic stretch of sand on the southern Oregon coast is called Arizona Beach. Massive headlands on the north and south end of the beach protect it from the nearly constant winds, providing the beach with a relatively balmy climate. Sisters Rocks protect the south end.
This is the north end headland of Arizona Beach. We climbed up a trail to the top while we were waiting for the sun to go down. Like much of the southern Oregon coast, we had the place mostly to oursleves.